The Future of Energy

The future of energy is changing. The mix of energy consumption and the sources of energy supply – and demand are in flux. In coming years and decades, the critical sources of additional energy supply and market-driving demand will shift drastically. Meanwhile, energy technology is also changing, including automated solutions and the use of big data. But some expectations are too extreme, since there are physical limitations to both the rollout of electric vehicles (due to limited elemental components of batteries), as well as to the variability of some renewable sources of power generation


  • Understand the future use of energy – the supply, the demand, and the mix of energy types.
  • Be familiar with some current, emerging, and future energy technologies, especially electric vehicles.
  • Synthesize and develop your own perspective on the future business of energy and how technology will impact the future business of energy.


01. Introduction
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02. Energy Supply
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03. Energy Demand
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04. The Future Energy Mix
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05. Electric Vehicles
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06. The Business of Energy: The Future of Data
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07. The Business of Energy: The Future of Work
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08. Blockchain
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09. Conclusion
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How I Think About the Future: Trends and Spikes

This excerpt from The Journal Of Character & Leadership Development contains an interview with The Futurist Institute's Jason Schenker, including his thoughts on preparing for future conflict.

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